DJ 184

Create III

Jay Hildreth
2 min readJul 4, 2017

In our digital drawing class, the prompt for each project this term is based on a word given out the first day of class. There’s seven words listed out, giving us essentially two words per week to go off of. The word for this project was “litost,” a Czechoslovakian word meaning “the state of agony and torment created by the sudden sight of one’s own misery.” Yeah. Pretty dark. But I’m not going to lie, it made for a fun drawing.

Although the eye is a lot cleaner in my opinion, I’d say this drawing is better mainly due to the process of creating it. When I was making the eye, I had the help of someone’s tutorial on YouTube. I skipped that altogether with this one and figured out how to make the drawing on my own.

I essentially broke down the reflections and shadows into shapes and recolored all of them. Initially I wanted to keep the same colors as the photo above but since the word is so morbid in nature I thought it should be more dull so I used the colors of the same image with the opacity (transparency) turned down.

I’m particularly proud of this one because I felt that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to digital drawing. I’ve wanted to learn how to make illustrations like this and I think I took a step in the right direction with this one.



